How to make a donation

You can make a difference

Te Ara Kākāriki is a registered charitable trust, and our work relies on funding and donations. By donating, you can support our work planting native Greendots across the Canterbury Plains to restore biodiversity. 

No amount is too small or too big, and all donations go directly to our planting efforts.

There are a variety of ways to donate, and all donations over $5 are tax deductible. Simply email our Treasurer after donating with your postal address and payment reference. 

Be part of creating a brighter future and better environment for the next generation and make a donation today. Thank you for your support!

Direct bank transfer

You can use internet banking to make a donation using the following details.

Bank account name: 

Te Ara Kākāriki Greenway Canterbury Trust

Bank account number (KiwiBank): 


Donate with a credit card

You can make a secure donation for as little as $5.00 with a credit card using our PayPal account.

Donate via Give A Little

If you prefer you can donate via Give A Little.

Interested in volunteering with us?

If you can’t spare any money but have spare time, why not consider volunteering for us. Even if it’s a few hours or maybe getting involved in a plantout – every little bit helps.

Want to find out more?