Our partners

Main funding partners

Our main funding partners support our purpose to inspire change by connecting people with nature and creating impacts for both the environment and communities.

Other supporting partners

"...the loss of these native plant communities has reached a point where habitats for our native wildlife have been reduced to a level where they are now insufficient for continued survival.”

Native plant communities of the Canterbury Plains / Department of Conservation Report 2005

Future projects

In the future we have plans to hopefully work on three large key projects. We are actively seeking potential sponsors or companies to partner with on the following projects:


This will be a large central biodiversity sanctuary of up to 1000 hectares

Huritini ki uta ki tai

Completing a source to lake riparian restoration of the Huritini River

Whakahaumanu Waitaha

Documenting the story of Canterbury Biodiversity Restoration

Please get in touch if you are able to fund Te Ara Kākāriki to implement these significant projects, or if you have other ideas to help us achieve these goals.