Superb effort from volunteers at our public Plantouts

2022 was a big year for our helpers

A successful 2022 planting season thanks to our volunteers!

Across the district we held a number of community Plantout events where volunteers worked to help create new Greendots, as well as extend existing sites. We loved catching up with familiar faces, as well as welcoming those joining us for the first time. All up this season volunteers planted over 9,695 seedlings!

Both the August 28th and September 25th events gave volunteers an opportunity to experience adding to our large legacy site Te Pae o Ahuriri. It was hard not to be inspired by the excellent growth of the seedlings that were planted last year, with a number of volunteers commenting that seeing the progress being made was the best part of their day. 
At our October 8th public Plantout the Mudfish group started their day creating a new Greendot in Annat. They then headed to Frank Hakkaart’s property, formerly the Hororata Hotel and now the Artist’s In pottery studio and gift shop. The old beer garden was transformed into a native Greendot and Frank hopes that once established it will not only attract native birds, but also be a nice backdrop for a sculpture trail. A great place to stop by and check in on the progress of the plants. 

Meanwhile the Tōtara group added to a special Greendot neighbouring Lords Bush where we have been planting for the last three years now. They then moved on to legacy site Ōkakaraiti on Pocock’s Road, to install 300 seedlings as part of the 10,008 in total that have gone in there this year. With work recently done on the walking and biking trails too, it has been an exciting year at Ōkakaraiti. 


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