Kaimahi working hard for nature

How many seedlings have our team planted this season?

The Kaimahi have worked phenomenally hard over the busy planting season at Te Pae o Ahuriri and Ōkakaraiti, as well as being a great help at Kids Discovery Plantout Days, our public volunteer planting events, and assisting landowners in the Otahuna area.

They have planted an impressive total of 27,551 seedlings! 17,051 were spread across the two large legacy sites, and 10,500 were planted at 11 sites in the Otahuna biodiversity cluster.

With so many plants to go in, it was a huge help to have Ash and Tessa come on board for this busy period. They both finished up recently, and Ash returns to work at Hinewai Reserve over the summer. We wish both Tessa and Ash all the best and thank them for all their amazing mahi. 

Since finishing planting on the 6th of November, our kaimahi have been busy release spraying at legacy sites Ōkakaraiti and Te Pae o Ahuriri. When the weather hasn’t been conducive to this, they have been busy checking fences on our sites, pest trapping, and planting in the Otahuna area, including around the North’s wetland. 

Te Ara Kākāriki began planting this wetland site with volunteers in 2020, returning again to extend it in 2021. Photos from our recent monitoring show some good growth amongst these initial seedlings. Our kaimahi are currently planting the lower wetland areas of the site, which include some islands. Boat travel isn’t often a feature of their planting work but it’s been handy here!


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